Monday, February 28, 2011

High tea... and a say on your PD... you deserve it!

Ladies and, well in the case of our little group so far, ladies. Remember our little talk about the importance of Supply Teachers? Remember that we are not disposable? Well with this in mind our first coffee catch-up is a real treat. High tea no less... that's right- nice china, lovely tidbits to nibble on, tea/coffee (really, really good coffee) and rose-petal cordial.

What: A "High Tea" Planning Session for our next Workshop
When: Midday, Sunday 27th March 2011
Where: Ramekins Cafe-  "easy to find" @ Gympie Rd (Cnr Beams Rd in the Woolies Complex)
Price: $25 for a sumptuous high tea

Please RSVP ASAP (don't you just love a good acronym?) via email to and I'll forward my bank details to you

Go on, you deserve it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

In case you missed it... come join us...

In case you missed the first "Surviving and Thriving" Workshop, I've scheduled a second one for March 20th. I know there were a few people who had clashes because of the date with the previous one, and hopefully some of the wonderful QUT students I spoke with are going to get themselves a head-start for next year.

The workshop is practical mix of general advice and lesson ideas. You will also get the chance to meet other Supply Teachers (and soon-to-be supply teachers) and share your experiences with them over lunch. See what the last group or participants had to say or take a look at the flyer then email me your RSVP. I look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Back to uni... and resume writing... and another workshop...

Yes- the fresh-faced students made me feel old!

Thanks so much to Mandy White at QUT for the opportunity to speak to the QUT Caboolture students who will be graduating this year. After speaking, I got a number of questions about resumes. With this in mind, the downloads section of this blog now has a sample resume that might be of help to anyone currently putting together their own teaching resume. Good luck! And as always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

** Edited- Also a big thankyou to Bethan King at QUT Kelvin Grove for a chance to speak in the *gasp* big lecture theatre today. DATE FOR BEGINNING TEACHERS WORKSHOP 20 MARCH 2011.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Links... and we can all help each other out

I will add this link to the links page... and the specific downloads to the downloads page... but I really wanted to make a post to discuss them here too. At the workshop we briefly discussed the idea of "Kung Fu" punctuation. It's a very hands-on idea where the students are invited to make a specific "Kung Fu" inspired action for each punctuation mark. I've not had the chance to use it yet- but had the idea described to me by colleagues who have had a lot of success with it.

I'd like to thank Susan (who attended the workshop) for taking the time to look it up and sharing the resources she found with us. She's embraced what these workshops are all about... sharing resources and working together make us all Supply Teachers. Thanks Susan- and everyone else who is sharing their experiences with other Supply Teachers to help us do our job.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Workshop... Worked!

A HUGE thank-you to everyone at the workshop today. Everyone left such lovely feedback and I'd like them all to know that I'm really glad I was able to help them. I hope to organise an afternoon tea one weekend soon so that we can all catch up again... and we already have ideas for 2 new workshops in the works. More news to come on those.

For an extra copy of the resources from the workshop log into the google docs account. The username is AmbersSupplyAndDemandResources and the password is SupplyTeacher. You can always look for more materials that are added to this blog by going to the downloads link on the right hand side of the page.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Almost there...

Well the workshop is this Sunday, and there's a finish line of sorts in sight. If you can still make it but haven't contacted me yet... I'll have spare copies of workshop materials on the day... but it would be great if you could email me before the day...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Room for More

The workshop date is fast approaching, and while I'm happy to say that I have sufficient numbers to run the workshop- there's still room for more.

So... if you want to get organised to make 2011 a year JAM-PACKED with work... then I suggest my workshop...

Surviving and Thriving as a Supply Teacher
How to get work... and what to do when you get it!

When: Saturday 11th December 2010
Where: Downfall Creek Bushland Centre at Raven Street Reserve, 815 Rode Road, McDowall (heaps of on-site parking available at a lovely air-conditioned data-projected meeting room!)
Program: How to get work, how to make a good impression, behaviour management strategies, how to plan on the spot for each KLA, using flexible resources (which will be provided for you).
Cost: $50pp including lunch, refreshments, afternoon tea and take-home resources