Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pssst.... Supply Teaching Secrets

Want to get organised and make 2011 a year FULL of work?

Surviving and Thriving as a Supply Teacher
How to get work... and what to do when you get it!

Sunday 13th February 2011, 11am to 4pm
Raven Street Reserve, 815 Rode Rd McDowall
(lots of onsite parking at a lovely air-conditioned, data-projected room)
Getting work, making a good impression, behaviour management strategies, games, planning on-the spot for each KLA, using flexible resources
$50 for workshop, lunch, refreshments, afternoon-tea, take-home resources and PD certificate of attendance
By 4th of February 2011, email amberssupplyanddemand@gmail.com or comment below for "bring-a-friend" discounts and payment details

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Calling all Supply Teachers. . .

Calling all Supply Teachers. . . you deserve a cup of coffee.

And cake. There simply must be cake.

There's no need for a big lead-time on this one as I'm thinking of something in a coffee shop- all I need to know is when you'd like to meet up...

a)  one afternoon after school
b)  one night after school
c)  on the weekend (let me know when).

There seem to be a few Supply Teachers bouncing around Brisbane who are in need of a cup of coffee and a good chat. Just let me know when you can make it and I'll do my best to arrange a time that suits everyone. As always, just comment or email me at amberssupplyanddemand@gmail.com.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ready. Aim. Workshop.

So we're aiming for the very start of February for the workshop... just after the all-important day-8 contracts go out... and before uni gets too crazy for anyone still studying.

Keep checking back to the blog to see updated resources and new workshop details.